Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tossed Opportunity

A golden opportunity he tossed
When forward-looking hindsight mark’d the day
Then realized affection had its cost
And “no love lost” he found a subtle way.
Since countless iterations in his mind
Betrayed excuses beyond his control
His patience waned and willpower declined--
Humdrum glum-filled gloom became his goal.
‘Twas then the hour of reckoning ensued:
He hid behind a wall of self-deceit
Deprived himself of bev’rages and food
And floundered in a puddle of defeat.
     Yet one small comfort he allowed himself
     Was stretching for a memory on the shelf.



  1. A memory is a good thing!!

  2. Reminded me a little (in mood) of the movie with Jim Carrey and Kate Winslett where he 1st tries everything to forget his memories of their relationship and then troes everything to hold onto his memories, both good and bad of her...


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